Case Studies eDiscovery

Analytical Support for Tobacco Producers Settlement

In 1998 several tobacco producers entered into landmark, multi-billion dollar settlement agreements with several states that set penalties to be paid by the producers based upon actual future tobacco sales, contingent upon certain criteria.

Challenges: Escrow Payments Collection

One obligation that fell upon the states was proving diligence in their effort to collect escrow payments from non-party tobacco manufacturers. 

Strategy: Establishing Data Integrity

Celerity assisted certain states with establishing their diligence in meeting the terms of the tobacco settlement agreement. Our team standardized the varied sales data, identified duplicate and irrelevant portions of the data sets, and summarized the amounts by multiple key variables, including product manufacturer and distributor. Celerity then analyzed multiple different data sets to identify discrepancies, fill in gaps, and develop the most thorough presentation possible of the underlaying data. 

Results: Independent Data Analysis and Reports

In addition, Celerity independently analyzed data and provided reports to refute the tobacco companies’ experts. Celerity applied thoughtful analysis and rigorous critique to the state-specific opinions offered by opposing experts, and helped our state AGO clients compellingly present their assertion of diligence.

Walnut Creek
Los Angeles
San Diego