Large Civil Litigation Strategy
At the direction of counsel, Celerity fielded a web-based survey to over a thousand custodians to identify the collection scope of relevant records and followed up with over half of those custodians for in-person hard copy and electronic file collections. Concurrently, Celerity worked closely with the internal IT group to collect electronic data in a forensically sound manner from standard backup routines, email archives, and custodian data located on the company network.
Celerity also forensically imaged almost 2,000 laptops. In all, Celerity performed thousands of distinct collections across six different data types, totaling 110TB of data, including the scanning of over 5.5 million pages, and provided this data to two processing and review vendors.
Large Civil Litigation Results
Celerity’s ability to scale quickly – gathering 90% of the data within 4 months – as well as performing the variety of collections needed helped ensure the client was prepared during an extremely challenging time.