Case Studies eDiscovery

Medicaid Data Manipulation and Analysis

As part of a state’s lawsuit against certain opioid manufacturers and distributors, Celerity performed a number of analyses on the state’s massive Medicaid data set, which included over 1.7 billion claims records, as well as millions of other records in various member demographic, provider, and health plan tables.

Medical Data Discovery and Identification Strategy

After identifying the tables and fields required to both support the state’s own case as well as to meet its discovery obligations, and working with the state’s responsible health care agency to acquire the data, Celerity then worked with counsel and the state’s testifying medical experts to identify required redactions of various fields in the claims and member demographic tables to remove protected information related to race, age, ethnicity, and gender. 

Results: Medicaid Data Overlaid with Other Sources

In addition to these data manipulation and production tasks, Celerity performed a number of complex and insightful analyses, including an analysis to identify the correlation between the prescription of defendants’ opioids and diagnoses of Opioid Use Disorder (“OUD”) or other adverse health events. We have also overlaid the Medicaid data with other data sources, such as the state’s geographical overdose data and population density data, to develop “heat maps” of opioid overdose and prescription “hot spots”.

Walnut Creek
Los Angeles
San Diego