Government Services

Celerity Discovery’s Government Services team provides specialized eDiscovery, investigations, business analysis, and records management services to help state and local government agencies maximize their data management projects.

Celerity’s Comprehensive Government Services for eDiscovery Excellence

Whether in support of an eDiscovery matter, an investigation, a business analysis or a records management initiative, Celerity Discovery has a depth of expertise in performing a wide range of litigation and eDiscovery support services for the government sector. Celerity Discovery government clients include state attorney general offices and state agencies.

What Sets Celerity’s Government Services Apart

  • Extensive state agency knowledge and experience
  • Cost-effective solutions
  • Successful results in consumer protection, tech, tobacco, opioids, employment, and variety of other data driven consumer or civil matters
  • Veteran project managers and unparalleled project management
  • Personalized and customized client service
  • Nimble, creative technical solutions
  • Holistic approach to discovery
  • Non-standard and structed datasets expertise
  • Expert reports, rebuttal reports, and testimony
  • As requested, strategic guidance every step of the way

Government Services

Affirmative Discovery / Investigations

  • Help AGs tell their stories based on the data – quickly streamline complex and voluminous datasets that often are otherwise difficult to collect or analyze.
  • Uncover the indisputable proof or find the “needle in the haystack” data.
  • Triangulate data to prove a point or develop themes and arguments.
  • Maximize settlement and judgment awards by gaining a full understanding of all available datasets – not limiting analyses to standard email messages and documents.
  • Free up valuable in-house resources, thereby enabling attorneys to focus more on case strategy and technology personnel to focus on daily IT responsibilities.
  • Help states save on data hosting costs in multi-state matters through creative pricing arrangements.

Defensive Discovery

  • Centralize the legal hold process across agencies, thereby providing AGs confidence that that legal hold obligation shave been met.
  • Assess a state’s discovery burden very early – thereby providing government counsel a strategic advantage in discovery hearings or meet and confer conferences.
  • Saving time and money by:
    • Preventing the over-collection or duplication of data.
    • Quickly and efficiently understanding which custodians are most knowledgeable about issues and who could possess relevant records early in the process.
  • Avoid spoliation claims, thereby avoiding costly and distracting discovery battles.
  • Centralize data/technology services for the state, thereby allowing a state to better manage costs by adding consistency and defensibility to their portfolio of matters.
  • Peace of mind and freeing up personnel to work on other tasks knowing that a state’s obligations are being timely, thoroughly, accurately, and defensibly handled by veteran experts who have dealt with all forms of data.

To respond to your incident, Celerity Discovery brings the full breadth of our eDiscovery services including:

  • Digital Forensics
  • Identification
  • Preservation and Collection
  • Data Filtering and Culling
  • Processing and Hosting
  • Review Analytics and Optimization
  • Managed Document Review
  • Document Production

Many incidents involve data stored in databases, asset management systems, SAP, GIS and other proprietary applications.  The Celerity Discovery team brings decades of experience in analyzing structured and semi-structured data repositories, including:

  • Structured Data Analysis
  • Reporting
  • Database Development

Celerity Discovery Expert Witness professionals provide written opinions, declarations and affidavits to support incident response, including:

  • Data analysis summarization and expert opinions on large complex matters
  • Efficacy, transparency and defensibility of litigation technology and associated processes and procedures
  • Computer forensics and electronic evidence recovery, including the defensibility of search protocols, reasonableness of collection practices and completeness of data collections
Your Designated Government Services Specialist

Vice President



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Celerity Discovery Government Services Expertise

Celerity Discovery offers the spectrum of services needed to fulfill a wide variety of project goals. Whether providing insight on the data and analysis aspects of a litigation strategy, assisting with custodian interviews or document review, processing to suit any number of review platforms, or diving deeper to analyze a custodian’s digital behavior, Celerity Discovery is a strategic and tactical partner to hundreds of clients, adapting to an ever-changing litigation environment and case-specific needs.

Celerity Discovery has PMP-certified project managers who have worked on some of the most complex litigation matters in the industry. Combining proven techniques with appropriate technologies and a tailored approach, we deliver projects on time and on budget. Celerity Discovery utilizes FrameWork, a litigation support application that provides tracking and reporting to help ensure an efficient and defensible process. 

Celerity Discovery offers a range of eDiscovery and digital forensics technology choices to ensure client and project needs are met. We also develop custom applications when a case or matter has special requirements. We are well versed in formatting and delivering data for a wide variety of document review, enterprise content and document management platforms.

Government Litigation Support Services Collateral:

eDiscovery Case Studies Government Litigation Support Services Brochure
Walnut Creek
Los Angeles
San Diego